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Prof. Dr Evelina Gateva-Hinkova


Professor Doctor Evelina Gateva-Hinkova (1939-1997) was a Senior Researcher at the State Research Institute of Suggestology in Sofia, Bulgaria and later at the Centre of Suggestology at the Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”. She graduated in Italian and Spanish Philology as well as in Musical Pedagogy.


Her scientific work for 30 years together with Dr. Lozanov was a significant contribution to the Suggestopedic pedagogy. In the course of 6 years (1971-1976) she investigated the way classical music helps create the necessary state of concentrated psycho relaxation as a safe way to tap the reserves of mind.


Professor Gateva also created a globalised artistic organisation of the suggestopedic teaching and learning process: she investigated the influence of different kinds of art and their place in Suggestopedia and Desuggestopedia.


She is the author of child operas for teaching mathematics and is the author of the whole generation of suggestopedic textbooks for teaching languages and other subjects.


Dr. Gateva was in charge of the teacher training programme in Suggestopedagogy. She instructed teachers, psychologists, managers and students from all over the world. She was also a visiting lecturer at a number of universities, institutes and organisations in Europe, Asia and America. Her monography “Creating Wholeness through Art” was published in English in 1991.

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